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About the Book

Deep Tradeoffs helps readers find more balance, peace of mind, and even friendship in a polarized, angry world. With a conversational tone and bountiful quotations, it probes the eternally conflicting values tangled within our shared concerns and divided commitments.

More than 300 short quotes are included – from Samuel Adams and Aesop to Oscar Wilde and Stevie Wonder. Each quote illuminates the competing, intertwined perspectives of sages, philosophers, artists, professors, pundits, and ordinary people with extraordinary insights. By entering the conversation, you’ll fortify or challenge your own ideas about belief, truth, knowledge, ideology, the subconscious, and much more.

To review a detailed Table of Contents, an Index of Authors, and an Index of Topics, click through the pages at Amazon’s preview available on web browsers.

When we accept that our most stubborn and annoying conflicts are healthy and inevitable – rather than an existential battle – our toxic behaviors and attitudes can morph into something far more constructive.

About the Author

About-the-AuthorMike Hassell is former General Manager of audio publisher Knowledge Products. With degrees in engineering (Georgia Tech), business (Harvard), and liberal arts (Vanderbilt), Mike steadily pursues very broad interests, like the proverbial Renaissance Man. He’s a veteran executive and board member of several dozen startups and early-stage businesses in the information, health and biotech industries. A native Tennessean, Mike’s musical ability is quite modest compared to some of his neighbors. He has two adult children and lives with his wife in Nashville.

Praise for Deep Tradeoffs

Life brings all kinds of problems that can’t be isolated and resolved. These discussions about tradeoffs are surprising, sometimes shocking, and usually novel. This is where people live, and they don’t realize they live there.

– John Lachs, Centennial Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, Vanderbilt University

As a psychiatrist, every day shows how often we’re emotionally assaulted by rude disagreements that strain or break relationships. Most people don’t have the emotional tools to find balance. Deep Tradeoffs is like having a new, 3D way to think about everyday problems.

– W. Scott West, M.D.

 This guided journey into some really deep, thoughtful topics presents opposing, even contradictory ideas clearly and fairly. This creative technique for probing our dilemmas offers dozens of practical insights to better face each tumultuous day. A remarkable accomplishment!                     

– Mike Freeman, entrepreneur


Inspirational. Beautifully conceived, entertainingly written, and sorely needed today.

Deep Tradeoffs will help us have dinner again with good friends with whom we haven’t socialized comfortably for a long time. This book can help return civility to our culture.

– Marilyn Shields-Wiltsie, Concert Pianist

A tour de force whose audience should include senators, corporate executives, and others responsible for setting the tone of everything from select board hearings to Instagram speech.   

– David Kelley, Attorney

Deep Tradeoffs lends itself to some wonderful conversations, reflecting the author’s ability and desire to have meaty discussions with mutual respect. This is a skill much needed in today’s world.  

Cheryl Bachelder, retired CEO


Warm, conversational, and balanced. That sense of conversation among an intriguing assortment of wits and sages from past and present makes eager to join in with my own thoughts. That creates a powerful engagement between the reader and the material. It’s a wonderful way to illuminate ideas. It’s good fodder for conversation in social situations, and a great way to bypass all the bickering among people who disagree.      

 Jeanette Blair, homemaker


Small-minded people only see their side of the argument, whereas truly wise people see both sides and have a reason for choosing theirs. Rather than arguing like children, we can become more adult-like by understanding the tradeoffs and opposing views in all of the choices we make, seeing and appreciating the other side, and choosing our path with a full understanding of what we’re getting and what we’re giving up.  

Chris Calton, entrepreneur


Wow! What an incredible distillation and exploration. I was struck by the integration of so many different themes, thinkers, theories while also being practical and personal. The writing style feels warm, accessible, clear and enjoyable. I’m always trying to look at nuance, complexity, and conflict with a gracious, creative lens, and this book encourages that process. This is really an amazing accomplishment — exciting, relevant, and thoughtful!



Right on the mark… what’s needed in today’s world. Illuminating, thoughtful, amazing.         

– Sandra Plant


This is how we can get along with each other.

– Wilford Fuqua, retired CEO


Deep Tradeoffs are balancing acts that we perform, repeatedly, in unconscious choices among competing values. As this remarkable book shows, choices about embedded tradeoffs are unexpectedly pervasive, unrecognized, and significant in how they affect our lives.           

David Linn, Engineer


I’ll be going back and reading this repetitively, I’m sure. I printed some of the material to keep near my phone, to temper myself as I listen and respond to other people.  

Jet Hollander, Executive



I love how the story-like style weaves together the many dichotomies which characterize our lives, explains how we can get caught up in them (thereby perpetuating our masks), and then invites us to occasionally “walk a mile in THEIR moccasins.” Thought-provoking and riveting.

Ray Capp, CEO


Deep Tradeoffs illuminates the realities right in front of us that we somehow overlook. It’s like seeing your nose.                                 

Beth and Charles Sell


Timely, and germane to the challenges dividing our country. As we face one crisis after another with competing perspectives and no clear solutions, Deep Tradeoffs makes it easy, even though I don’t generally engage in political discussion, to say “Hey I read an interesting book that talks about how tradeoffs on the subjects we’re discussing provide critical context for thoroughly examining the issues.”                       

Zane Browning, Sales Executive


Mike Hassell’s book Deep Tradeoffs is the ultimate example of the power in combining the wisdom of East and West. The defining features of Eastern philosophy are its sense of balance and dynamic equilibrium. The yin and yang symbol signifies not only what is apparent to most (such as a sense of balance, complementation, and completion of each other) but also a much deeper insight: that extreme behaviors can achieve the opposite of the desired result. Deep Tradeoffs captures the essence of the need to dynamically balance our lives.

– Ming Wang, M.D., PhD, co-founder, Common Ground Network; director, Wang Vision Institute

Chock full of frameworks that are relatable, relevant, and easy to digest. Tons of tidbits and insights. How can you get people to act on this?

– David Goodridge, Executive Coach

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